>Political overload… Spiritual Ascension


Static. Torture. Injustice. Death. Darkness. Screams. Mourning. Community. Grievance. Organizing. Resistance. Struggle. Patience. Hope. Freedom. Illumination. Togetherness. Justice. Awakening. United. Continuum. Living. Surviving. Love. History. Right Now. Tomorrow.

Political journey’s take us through a path
unpaved in it’s structure
long in its ambition
wide in its avenues as people
enter from places
street corners, farmlands, alleyways, market-places and isolated shacks
alive in a voice empowered through an illumination
only joint in chants of iterated theoretical aspirations
ignited against angers of hatred, separation and greediness
joint in a hope for what takes it forward
steps that walk in shoes
awakened a million times too many from eyes
too hopeful to ever see
failure that meets the embrace of another
lost soul
in a struggle
deeper than the rivers inner waves
in breaths that prepare for tomorrows wakefulness
this day holds on to yesterday
with words that have gone silent
in their chatter
and laughter

the self finds space now
internally it allows for a spiritual reflection suspected
in every heart broken or separated from puzzles too
articulate to unite
in meanings found only
when a greater goal is asserted
to be found in what comes next
in what holds us within
the greater picture of
what captures our minds in
souls that are birthed after
lost bodies creep away
bringing tears
to seek
His Ultimate Magnificence
turned in the direction
that leaves us bowing for
guidance that is lit
through His command
allowing for what is to be
despite all difficulties
we are left only to uplift our souls
with minds emptied from political affirmations
overloaded with happenings never really there
but through His embrace.

Life. Mind. Thought. Action. Lost. Lived. Felt. Submitted. Survived. Ascended.