
every breathe that leaves me is enriched

profoundly by your humble love

in a way that cannot be revealed

in scriptures or read

in story books of once-upon-a-times or captured

in images held still in moments of certitude

this exhale is for having found

life in its meaning

filled with fruit like those described in the heavens

where rivers flow and fruits blossom

under trees where our forefathers have grounded their

roots in lands

long ours

home before we stepped on it

and it is home

in the places never found

always seen ‘out of place’

was it discovered

in the ways your wisdom illuminates

my mind to explore new opportunities of growth

in gestures worth a thousand times the distance it takes

to swim against harsh currents in the ocean

in a touch only embraced by a memory of being

encapsulated with every thought

memories float above us to return to its

ever wandering sky

in colours preset in dawn and sunset

fire fills the sky to celebrate

loves illumination

time and time again

lost and found

in the cycles of


as we hold each other

once again

lifting each others strength from its shadows

in weights of glory

nothing holds this like it is held in your heart

and while weakness prevails

taking hold and even beating us to the game

we continue to walk forward

to find the same meaning that defined

this existence in union

for you


my ability to move forward

through His Destined plans

further than our minds could execute

in motion

we move one day, each day
