>Annihilate the Ego through Presence in the Moment…

>There is only ever one moment. The illusion is that there are an infinite amount of moments but in reality, there’s only really one moment, because the moment or the now is timeless, experienced only by the timeless and formless soul or Being. The ego cannot capture the moment, cannot exist in the now, cannot comprehend or understand the moment. The moment is not so much a concept you try to comprehend or understand through the mind, through pointers, through signs, but it can only be sensed by the awareness that you are, the timeless, infinite background, the light of consciousness. This light is what can capture or contain the moment, like a painting sitting on a canvas.

The sign of an active ego is that you’re always looking ahead, the now is only a means to an end, caught up in the plan to reach a certain outcome. That is doable by the ego-ic mind or self because the mind is caught up in time, in the past or in the future, and so the ego driven mind can think up a past event and ponder on it and become so caught up in it that it identifies with it. I am the thought or mind made self who scored the winning touchdown in front of hundreds of fans in my high school football field, or in other words, the ego driven mind will play the heroic narative to give you a stronger sense of self that in reality is simply content attached to the structured “me” that is no more than a thought in your head, or the ego driven mind that cannot exist in the now or comprehend the now will constantly drive you to a future state that doesn’t exist. I have to finish grading my exam papers, i have to finish cleaning my room or house, i have to hurry up and finish cooking for my children, and lo and behold when the doing is completed, there is only a superficial satisfaction that is followed by a renewed wanting of a future accomplishment. This is how the ego strives to survive. This causes stress, and anxiety. The cure is in realizing that everything exists now, everything happens in the now, the future is a mind created illusion. When we surrender to the now and enjoy the act of doing, by watching the doing, we tap into Being, we tap into bliss, we tap into enjoyment, and instead of worrying about some future result, we’re anchored in the present moment, we become present and aware, I am aware, I am awareness, and results don’t matter anymore. The purpose of results is a sense of fulfillment, achievement, and enjoyment. So what if I’m already enjoying the moment? What’s the fuss behind results now? Nothing really 🙂 If I get results great, If I don’t, great as well; I’ve already arrived by being present, the veil of ego has been lifted, because the ego cannot survive in the present moment, in the now. If a situation presents itself and gets in the way of my plan that has simply been thought out for practical purposes and not driven by the egoic mind, I don’t resist the situation, resistance is ego. We usually resist because things are not going as planned and results are in danger, future is in danger, the illusion of that future created mind game, the thought that only exists in my head hehehehehe, what an illusion! Rather than resisting, we accept and turn the present situation into a positive force by Being, and simply doing for practical reasons and in reality watching the doing. We become with Witness or the Watcher.

In summary:

Resistance = ego
Waiting anxiously = ego
Presence = The true “I AM.”